
2 Enrolled
2 hours

About Course

Kudo, also known as Daido Juku Kudo, is a modern Japanese mixed martial art that incorporates elements of various traditional martial arts, such as karate, judo, and Muay Thai, along with grappling techniques from Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Kudo training classes typically focus on developing a well-rounded martial artist capable of competing in full-contact bouts while emphasizing respect, discipline, and personal development


What Will You Learn?

  • Here's a general outline of what you might expect in a Kudo training class:
  • Warm-up: Like any martial arts class, Kudo training typically begins with a warm-up session to prepare the body for physical activity. This might include stretching, calisthenics, and cardiovascular exercises.
  • Technique Instruction: Kudo incorporates techniques from various martial arts disciplines, so classes often involve instruction in striking, kicking, throwing, grappling, and ground fighting techniques. Instructors may demonstrate techniques and then have students practice them individually or with partners.
  • Sparring/Drilling: Sparring and drilling are essential components of Kudo training. Students may engage in controlled sparring sessions with partners to practice applying techniques in a live, dynamic setting. Drills may focus on specific skills or combinations.

Material Includes

  • Cool Down and Reflection: Like the warm-up, the class typically concludes with a cool-down period to help students gradually return their heart rates to normal and prevent injury. This may be followed by a brief period for reflection or discussion about what was covered in the class.
  • Throughout Kudo training, instructors emphasize the importance of respect, discipline, and sportsmanship, instilling not only physical skills but also mental fortitude and character development in their students.


  • Cool Down and Reflection: Like the warm-up, the class typically concludes with a cool-down period to help students gradually return their heart rates to normal and prevent injury. This may be followed by a brief period for reflection or discussion about what was covered in the class.
  • Throughout Kudo training, instructors emphasize the importance of respect, discipline, and sportsmanship, instilling not only physical skills but also mental fortitude and character development in their students.


  • Conditioning: Kudo practitioners require a high level of physical fitness, so conditioning exercises are often incorporated into training sessions. This might include strength training, endurance exercises, and agility drills.
  • Randori (Free Practice): Randori is a form of free practice where practitioners engage in live, unscripted exchanges with partners. This allows students to test their skills in a more realistic setting and adapt to their opponent's movements and techniques.
  • Self-Defense Training: Kudo places an emphasis on practical self-defense skills, so classes may include instruction on how to defend against common attacks and scenarios encountered in real-life situations.
  • Sparring/Competition Preparation: For those interested in competing in Kudo tournaments, classes may include specific training to prepare students for the intensity and rules of full-contact matches. This could involve simulated competition scenarios and strategy discussions.

Course Content

Testing 1




2 Students
4 Courses
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